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1:00 PM - 1:30 PM: Coffee
1:30 PM: Keynote speaker: Quantification of MOAH by number of aromatic rings via comprehensive 2D GC / Maurus Biedermann, Kantonal Lab Zurich
2:00 PM: Industrial view on mitigation and root cause analysis / Michele Marazzato, Cargill BV
2:30 PM: MOSH MOAH: The answer to the analytical challenge / Jorn Hofsteenge, Interscience
3:00 PM: Hands on sessions
Hands on session LCxGCxFID / Rik Mermans
Hands on session LCxGCxGCxMS / Jorn Hofsteenge
4:00 PM: End

Study afternoon - May 22, 2024 - 730 Euro
The following topics are covered:
Chemistry and toxicity of PFAS / Arno Nijssen, ATM
Untargeted screening of PFAS via GC-Orbitrap HR/AM MS / Joeri Vercammen, IS-X
Sampling and sampling of volatile PFAS / Jeroen de Jong, Interscience
Analysis of volatile PFAS, including CF4, via TD-GC/MS / Jeroen de Jong, Interscience
Beyond the state-of-the art: Pyrolysis GC/MS as an alternative pre-screening for LC/MSMS / Joeri Vercammen, IS-X

1:00 PM - 1:30 PM: Coffee
1:30 PM: Keynote speaker: Quantification of MOAH by number of aromatic rings via comprehensive 2D GC / Maurus Biedermann, Kantonal Lab Zurich
2:00 PM: Industrial view on mitigation and root cause analysis / Michele Marazzato, Cargill BV
2:30 PM: MOSH MOAH: The answer to the analytical challenge / Jorn Hofsteenge, Interscience
3:00 PM: Hands on sessions
Hands on session LCxGCxFID / Rik Mermans
Hands on session LCxGCxGCxMS / Jorn Hofsteenge
4:00 PM: End